О нас

Cocoaprom has been independent trader in cocoa products and cocoa beans since 2013. Cocoaprom started business in Tallinn, Estonia.

Cocoaprom main activates in the cocoa market involve the safe transport of cocoa beans from their country of harvest to overseas processors. The main producers who Cocoaprom work with are Ivory Coast and Ghana.

Cocoaprom positions itself as a lean and mean company with a strong focus on operational. Excellent knowledge, highly qualified staff and high-level company and market information are the drivers for such excellence.


Товары и услуги

Наша компания занимается поставкой всех видов сырья для производства конечной продукции из какао

Какао бобы

Cacao, a tree whose scientific name is Theobroma Cacao, was so named in 1753 by Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. Theobroma is Greek for “food of the gods,” and cacao is the Spanish adaptation of the Mayan name for the tree: kakaw.

The cacao tree is believed to have evolved in the Upper Amazon region in an area that now includes parts of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. From there it spread northward, probably with the help of early Amerindians, across the Andes and into Central America where it became a part of their diet and culture.

When Cortez landed in Mexico in the early 1500s, he found cacao intricately woven into the culture and mythology. Mixed with maize and spices, cacao was consumed as a beverage by royalty, warriors and rich merchants, while the seeds or beans were used as currency.

The Spaniards modified this native beverage, replacing maize with sugar and adding cinnamon and vanilla. Over time, all of Europe developed a taste for this new beverage, which they called chocolate, and soon cacao was spread to tropical regions around the globe.

Early attempts were made to grow cacao like sugar cane, on large plantations. However, because cacao grows best in the shade of taller trees, it is particularly suited for small, family farms and home gardens. Today, as much as 80% - 90% of the world’s cacao is produced on farms of seven acres or less.


Какао порошок

Cocoa solids are a mixture of many substances remaining after cocoa butter is extracted from cacao beans. When sold as an end product, it may also be called cocoa powder or cocoa.

Cocoa solids are a key ingredient of chocolate, chocolate syrup, and chocolate confections. In contrast, the fatty component of chocolate is cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is 50% to 57% of the weight of cocoa beans and gives chocolate its characteristic melting properties. Cocoa liquor or cocoa mass is a paste of roasted cocoa beans with cocoa butter and solids in their natural proportions.

Recipes for chocolate require the addition of extra cocoa butter to cocoa liquor, leading to a cocoa solids surplus and thus a relatively cheap supply of cocoa powder. This contrasts with the earliest European usage of cocoa where, before milk and dark chocolate was popularized, cocoa powder was the primary product and cocoa butter was little more than a waste product.


Какао ликёр

Cocoa Mass (Cocoa Liquor) - is the first liquid stage of processing cocoa beans. Good fermented cocoa beans are cleaned, and usually subjected to an intense heat source for a short period of time. This stage is known as "micronising" and its purpose is primarily to loosen the shell from the nib of the bean.

Once micronised, beans can be broken up and "winnowed". During winnowing, the shells are removed by air flow leaving only the cocoa nibs. The cocoa nibs are then roasted which both sterilises the nibs and enhances the flavour.

Once roasted the nibs are cooled and are ready for grinding. The action of physical grinding is all that is required to turn the solid nibs into a viscose liquid, by releasing cocoa fat (butter) from the nibs with the remaining cocoa solids held in suspension.

Cocoa liquor usually passes through two or three stages of grinding to achieve the required "fineness" i.e. particle size of solid held in suspension. Cocoa liquor is the base ingredient for the manufacture of all chocolate.


Продукты из какао

Many different sorts of products can be derived from cocoa. Delicious chocolate bars, hot chocolate, chococakes, brownies, candies are the most widespread cocoa food products a consumer may enjoy. Except of familiar cookery cocoa is a part of alcoholic drinks (such as brandy, liquor) preparation, when fresh cocoa pulp juice (sweatings) is boiled, cooled and fermented with yeast.

Not everybody knows but animal feed is also produced from cocoa husk. Cocoa is applied in farmacology to treat colds, particularly angina and bronchitis. Cocoa biologically active food additives help effectively in atherosclerosis treatment, reduce blood cholesterol levels and stops neurotic cough. Cocoa butter is also used for therapeutic massage.

Moreover, cocoa is widely used in cosmetology as it may improve and heal dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Cocoa may stimulate skin regeneration, protect from negative influence of the environment. Plenty of shampoos, creams, body lotions consist of cocoa because of its UV-filter properties.





Роман Голинский

Генеральный директор

Екатерина Бердюгина


Narva Mnt. 82, Tallinn 10127 Estonia

+372 501 3819

© Cocoa Prom LTD